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Thank you, Ma

I've been preparing this post long long time already because I know the time we have with my mother in law is not forever but I just don't know when should hit publish because I'm afraid that what I write in this blog post will make people misunderstanding as I'm not really good of words. 
But, at the same time, I don't want to keep this in my head and I don't want this to just pass by. 
So, here you go...

For these 3 months after we moved to KK, I am grateful that my mother in law agreed to accompany me and my son. I don't know how the journey will be without her. We are not familiar in the city and I don't know how to drive manual car. Her willingness to help and stay with us really touch my heart. 
At first, we wanted to asked her help for just 1 month but my husband got to extend his stay at PJ longer than we plan so we asked my mother in law to extend her help until my husband officially transferred here. From just 1 month became 3 months. I honestly feel ashamed for request her to extending her stay but I really need it. I'm thankful she is okay with that. I will never forget this forever in my life.

Oh ya, this is my first time living in one house with my mother in law. When I say live, its mean lived in one roof for quiet sometimes. I never expected that I will experience this in my life, I thought we will forever lived far away but here I am, I stayed with my mother in law for 3 months. How do I feel?
People said, its hard to live with mother in law. There will be conflict or issues. I'm honestly quiet nervous doing this but at the same time, I know that my mother in law is a good women and she is a good mother in law.When I decided to lived with my mother in law, I am already mentally ready and I set any any expectation, I just told myself just go experience this and enjoy the flow and moment. 

Turned out, my mother in law is such a sweet and wonderful mother in law! Syukur! Thank you Lord! She is good mother in law and women. I'm looking up for her on this. Also, she is working mom before and she totally understand what I face every working days. She shared a lot of her experience as working mom with me and some of it, a bit funny because its related to my husband. My husband is such a strong boy for his mama and he learned a lot from his mama experience as working mom. Being a daughter in law for experienced working mom is priceless. She shared her experience and lessons with me a lot.
I really like our journey balik kampung every weekend because we talked heart to heart every 4 hours journey every weekend. Talking heart to heart while seeing the beautiful view along the way. I'm just grateful for this wonderful experience.

Of course, there will be challenge when stayed with mother in law. I can't denied that. We are human after all. But, what more important is berlapang dada and think positive. I just think I lived with my biological mom. 
Just one thing lah, when lived with my mother in law, sometimes I can't be myself. Yelah takkanlah I show all my perangai buruk kan? buahhaha. I always tried my best to be the best version of myself and honestly, sometimes its tiring. One thing that I can't really hide is I just can't wake up early and make breakfast!  Sometimes I did wake up early and make breakfast but most of the time, I admit I wake up late, oppss!! I am not proud of that but what can I do, I can't paksa myself. Others thing I still can paksa myself but for this, I just can't! haha

Most importantly, I got to experienced different kind of life. I  got to know many things from my mother in law. I learned from her by seeing her doing. She never told me to do this and that. From this experience, I've learned that, if you want your daughter in law treat you good or well, its start from you. Stop being such a evil mother in law yang suka complaint sana sini dan semua tak betul. Start being a wonderful one so that your son's wife feel comfortable to lived.

Not to forget, I am grateful that we can created many memories this 3 months. I know a lot of the memories its just memories at home as we can't go anywhere due to I don't want my mother in law driving anywhere other than go to work because I know its tiring and its dangerous when its night but anyhow, I am grateful!

Finally, I want to say sorry to you Ma for being such daughter in law that have many weakness and lack of many thing. It's not because how my parent teach me but it's because of myself that decided to be that way. Thank you for accepting me for who I am and I'm sorry for make you go through any hardship during your stay with us. 

Lastly, I prayed that God will bless my mother in law always and I hope she will have a good life and happy in whatever she doing. I just want you to know Ma, I am grateful I got the best kind of mother in law. Keep it up! Let's keep catch up next week, I want go to tamu(pasar pagi) at pekan buying keperluan dapur and food for breakfast!

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