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Advice for young women before getting married

Marriage is a beautiful journey.

I've been in this journey before. It's feel so good when think about getting married. Finally, I will be no longer single or no longer need to get to know new people again. It's kind of final destination. 

But, make a decision to get married also requires careful thought, preparation, and a deep understanding of yourself and your partner. Need to be remember, don't simply get married because everyone is getting married or you're rushing to get married. Getting married is one time and hardest decision.

For young women standing on the threshold of marriage, here is some important advice to consider before taking the leap. Please read until end, think about it carefully ya. 

1. Know yourself first

Before merging your life with someone else’s, it’s essential to have a strong sense of who you are. Take time to explore your interests, values, and goals. 

What are your passions? What are your deal-breakers? 

Understanding yourself fully will help you enter marriage with confidence and clarity.

2. Communication is key

Good communication is the backbone of a healthy marriage. It’s not just about talking, but truly listening and understanding each other. Practice open and honest communication with your partner about everything—from your hopes and dreams to your fears and concerns. 

Learning to communicate effectively will help you navigate the ups and downs that come with married life.

3. Discuss finances

Money can be a major source of stress in marriage, so it’s crucial to have clear discussions about finances before getting married. Talk about your financial goals, spending habits, and how you plan to manage money as a couple. 

Will you combine finances, keep them separate, or find a middle ground? 

These conversations may be uncomfortable, but they’re necessary for a stable future.

4. Understand each other’s values

Shared values are the foundation of a strong marriage. Take the time to understand your partner’s views on family, religion, career, and lifestyle. Are you on the same page when it comes to important issues? 

Aligning your values can help prevent conflicts and ensure you’re both working towards the same goals.

5. Build a strong friendship

A lasting marriage is often built on a deep friendship. Make sure you genuinely enjoy spending time with your partner and that you have fun together. A strong friendship will help you weather the inevitable challenges and keep your relationship vibrant and fulfilling.

6. Embrace compromise

Marriage is a partnership that requires compromise. You won’t always get your way, and that’s okay. 

Be willing to meet your partner halfway and find solutions that work for both of you. 

Remember, it’s not about winning or losing, but about building a life together.

7. Don’t rush

Marriage is a lifelong commitment, so don’t rush into it. Take the time to truly get to know your partner and make sure you’re both ready for the journey ahead. 

It’s better to wait until you’re sure than to jump into something you’re not fully prepared for.

8. Maintain your independence

While marriage is about partnership, it’s important to maintain your independence. Continue pursuing your own interests, hobbies, and friendships. 

A strong sense of self will make you a more fulfilled person and a better partner.

9. Be realistic

It’s easy to get caught up in the romanticized idea of marriage, but it’s important to be realistic. Marriage isn’t always perfect or easy. There will be challenges, disagreements, and tough times. Entering marriage with realistic expectations will help you better navigate these moments and appreciate the highs and lows.

10. Seek premarital counseling

Premarital counselling can be incredibly beneficial. It provides a space to discuss important topics like communication, conflict resolution, and future goals with the guidance of a professional. It’s an opportunity to address any potential issues before they arise and to build a strong foundation for your marriage.

11. Learn to forgive

No one is perfect, and there will be times when your partner makes mistakes. Learning to forgive and move forward is crucial for a healthy marriage. Holding onto grudges can create a toxic environment and strain your relationship. Practice forgiveness, and don’t be afraid to ask for it when needed.

12. Be ready to grow together

People change over time, and so do relationships. Be prepared to grow together as individuals and as a couple. Support each other’s personal growth and be willing to adapt as you both evolve. A marriage that allows space for growth can stand the test of time.

13. Know your non-negotiables

Before getting married, identify your non-negotiables—those things that are essential for you in a relationship. Whether it’s honesty, loyalty, or a shared vision for the future, knowing what you cannot compromise on will help you make informed decisions about your marriage.

14. Understand that marriage is a journey

Marriage is not a destination but a journey, filled with ups and downs, joy and challenges. It requires effort, dedication, and a willingness to work together through the good times and the bad. Embrace the journey with your partner, knowing that it’s a path you’ll walk together, hand in hand.


Marriage is one of life’s most significant commitments, and it’s worth taking the time to prepare for it thoughtfully. By knowing yourself, communicating openly, and building a strong foundation with your partner, you can enter marriage with confidence and the tools needed to create a fulfilling and lasting relationship. 

Remember, marriage is a journey, and the most important thing is to embark on it with love, understanding, and a willingness to grow together.

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