10 Tips for new working moms

First of all, congratulations! 
Welcome to the club!
How are you so far? Are you doing good?

Maybe you found this blog post when you searched for a guide or tips to back to work after maternity leave. You come to the right place.☺️

In this blog post, I want to share my tips for new working moms. I hope these tips will help you in your working mom's journey.

1. Prioritize self-care
It's easy to neglect self-care when you're juggling work and motherhood but please prioritize to take care of yourself because this is essential for your well-being. I know during this time your priority is your newborn, but to take care of a newborn, you need to be well. 
So, make time to do activities that recharge you like reading, going to the spa, exercising, or anything that makes you feel good.

2. Set realistic expectations
Be kind to yourself and set realistic expectations for what you can accomplish both at work and at home. At the beginning of my working mom's journey, I am struggling with my breastfeeding and new job scope at work. At home, I expect myself to breastfeed my son well and at work, I got high expectations from my superior. Due to this, I became so hard on myself. 

3. Establish a support system
Lean on your partner, family members, friends or childcare providers for support. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

4. Organize and plan ahead
Use tools like calendaes, to do lists and meal plans to stay organized and manage your time effectively. Planning ahead can help reduce stress and ensure that important tasks get done.

5. Simplify where possible
Look for ways to simplify your daily routines and tasks. Whether it's prepping on weekenda, outsourcing household chores or streamlining your work processes, finding ways to simplify can help alleviate some of the pressure.

6. Practice mindfulness
Stay present and focus on one task at a time. Mindfulness techiques like deep breathing or meditation can help you stay centered amidst the chaos of balancing work and motherhood.

7. Communicate with your employer
If possible, communicate openly with your employer about your needs as a working mom. Whether it's flexible work hours, remote work options, or accommodations for breastfeeding, having open communication can make the transition back to work smoother.

8. Make time for bonding
Prioritize quality time with your child when you're not working. Even short moments of undivided attention can strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

9. Be flexible and adapt
Recognize that plans may need to change and be flexible in adapting to unexpected situations. Learning to go with the flow can help reduce stress and anxiety.

10. Celebrate achievements
Celebrate both small and big achievements whether it's completing a work project, reaching a parenting milestone, or simply making it through a hectic day. Acknowledging your accomplishments can boost your morale and keep you motivated.

Remember, every working mom's journey is unique and its okay to make adjustments along the way to find what works best for you and your family.


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