My career break experience and advise

Hello, my fellow working moms!

How are you today? I hope you doing well.

In this blog post, I will share my experience of taking a career break and I want to give some advise that might  be useful if you want to take a career break. 

Before that, may I know if you ever take a career break? You can comment below if you experience it before.

What is career break?

Career break is stepping away from the traditional workforce whether by choice or circumtance on certain duration. 

I have already taken my career break twice,which in 2021 and now 2024. My career break so far less than a month because I need to back to work due to my life commitments. I heard from other working moms, some of them take career break for more than 6 months and up to 1 year and even 10 years woww!

To be really honest, I can say embarking on a career break can be both daunting and liberating. So, I will share my own experience in this blog post and maybe you can have a glimpse of it.

The decision to take a career break

When it comes to the decision to take a break, this is something not easy. In my case, I want to take a break because I no longer feel worth it to work there and I want to focus on my personal development and pursue my passion project. 

No matter what's your decision to take a break, it is okay. You don't have to worry about the career gap in your resume. Based on my experience, the interviewer will be curious to know the reason for that career gap and my advice is to share the gap in a short and positive side about it, that's it, don't make it too long.

To be really honest, when it comes to the decision to take a break, you will be worried a lot especially when you have a lot of commitment. But, I just do it! I know it is not a great decision but at least, I do what's best for me and my mental health.

Embracing Change and Adaptability

While on my career break, I tried my best to embrace the uncertainty and change. I view this period as an opportunity for my personal growth and exploration. Tried my best to adapt to my current life especially when it came to money. During this career break, I really need to spend less money because I'm not earning during this period.

  1. Self-Discovery and Reflection

  2. During my career break, I take advantage of the downtime to engage in self-reflection and introspection. I take this time to explore my passions, interests, and values to gain clarity about my professional and personal goals. I use tools such as journaling, meditation, or career assessment to gain insights into my strengths and aspirations.

  3. Skill Development and Lifelong Learning

    While I'm on a career break, I seize the opportunity to expand my skill set and knowledge base. I pursue online courses, workshops, or certifications to enhance my professional expertise. Embrace lifelong learning as a cornerstone of personal and professional development.

  4. Exploring New Opportunities

    While I'm on my career break, I am open to exploring new opportunities and experiences outside of my comfort zone. Examples of new opportunities I tried are freelancing and pursuing passion projects that align with my interests and values. At the same time, I take time to network with professionals in different industries or fields to gain diverse perspectives and insights.

  5. Re-Entry and Transitioning Back to Work

    I know I will be not on break forever so I need to prepare for my transition back to the workforce especially my mental and physical. I will make sure I am stronger and better than before. Also, I updated my resume, LinkedIn profile, and professional network.


Taking a career break is a transformative experience that offers the opportunity for self-discovery, growth, and renewal. By embracing change, exploring new opportunities, and prioritizing personal development, individuals can navigate their career break with confidence and purpose. 

Remember, the pause in your career journey is not a setback but rather a stepping stone toward greater fulfillment and success.

I hope this post helps or inspires you in your career.

Your working mom bestie,

Aya ❤️


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