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List of FREE activities you can do with your child on weekend

It's finally weekend! It's time to rest for 48 hours from our work at office/site or wherever you work but after I became a mom and wife, my weekend is dedicated for my family. I love to treat my role as mom and wife as my another full time job. I am grateful I can do my another full time job on weekend, I never take it for granted!

Usually, I will spend all my weekend (48hours) with my son and husband since I'm not working on weekend which I am super grateful. This weekend my husband will work on Saturday so I will spend my time with my son at home. 
Sometimes I mati idea on what to do with my son on weekend. I must admit, most of the time, I let him play with his iPad or phone watching videos and this always make me feel bad because give him screen time more than he needs.

So, I've been researching and looking for any free activities I can do with my son on weekend so I don't feel guilty after 48hours.

Here are the list of free activities that you can do with your kids at home this weekend.


Bawa anak ke taman : Saya paling suka bawa anak ke taman so he can play there. Usually we spend few hours here. At the same time, I can joging hehe

Libatkan anak dalam aktiviti mengemas rumah : After play at taman, we usually go for breakfast or straight to home. At home, I will kemas rumah and I love to get my son involve while I'm doing this. Sometimes this is the hardest things to do is when I kemas and my son will messed it up...

Permainan air
After all these activity, I will let my son take a bath and main air and my son love this and playing the water. This time, I will be there monitoring him. I will scrolling my phone this time.

Buat aktiviti dapur 
Libatkan anak dalam menyediakan makanan ringan mudah seperti sandwich, membuat kek cawan, atau menghias biskut.Sometimes, I let him sit at our meja makan and watching me cooking and I did let him watch iPad during this time. So, I can cook peacefully.

After lunch is the real rest time. Usually, we just laying down, interact with each others. If your child is not napping, here activities you can do with them:
Melukis dan Mewarna: Sediakan kertas, krayon, atau pensel warna untuk anak melukis. Anda juga boleh mencetak gambar untuk mereka warnakan.

Permainan Puzzles: Permainan menyusun puzzle yang sesuai dengan umur mereka boleh membantu dalam meningkatkan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah dan kesabaran.

Permainan Role-Play: Bermain olok-olok seperti "kedai-kedai," "doktor," atau "guru" dapat merangsang daya imaginasi dan membina komunikasi sosial mereka.

Projek Kraf: Aktiviti seperti memotong kertas, menampal, atau membuat kolaj daripada bahan-bahan yang ada di rumah boleh menjadi seronok dan mengasah kreativiti.

NOTE: I always tried my best to make my napping no matter. So, here is what I do before my son napping.

Before napping
My son is currently love story telling about helicopter! My husband and I love to do story telling for him.
Membaca Buku Cerita: Bacakan cerita atau biarkan anak memilih buku kegemarannya. Ini merangsang imaginasi dan memperkaya kosa kata mereka.

Napping time
While my son napping, I usually do my own things like plan my blog posts, social medias, reading my books and watch movies. This is my ME time.

If my son still napping, I will take this time to prepare for our dinner.

I gave my son screen time...opps!

Melukis dan Mewarna: Sediakan kertas, krayon, atau pensel warna untuk anak melukis. Anda juga boleh mencetak gambar untuk mereka warnakan.

On Sunday morning, we will go to church. We spend few hours at church. 
After church, we usually go eating out first and then after that back to home.
When we reach home, we usually taking nap. This is the best time ever! Napping on Sunday afternoon is really good!

If our son wake up in the evening, we will go to the park, to jalan-jalan ambil angin. If not, then my husband and I will continue do our things.

Menyanyi dan Menari: Pasangkan lagu kanak-kanak dan ajak anak menyanyi atau menari. Aktiviti ini dapat membangkitkan semangat dan tenaga anak.

Bermain Blok atau Lego: Anda boleh mengajak anak membina bangunan, menara, atau bentuk lain dengan menggunakan blok mainan.

It's movie night or easy time.Usually this time, I will take this time to prepare for the upcoming week and my husband will spend time with our son during this time.

Final Thought
I don't strictly do all these activity but I will make sure, I will spend time my son and my husband to the maximum. On Saturday, my family is my highest priority and on Sunday morning, my time with my God is my highest priority and the rest of Sunday, I will spend my time to prepare for the upcoming week. It's not perfect but at least, I have a routine and I am not kelam kabut.

I hope this sharing can inspire every moms out there to spend time with your child. Let's make less screen time with our child. Let's really be present for our child.

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