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Awe-Inspiring Encounter with Mount Kinabalu

Mount Kinabalu, the majestic peak of Southeast Asia, has long been a symbol of natural grandeur and adventure. Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to witness this awe-inspiring mountain in real life during my stay in Kundasang. Thanks to my in-law's family that brings us along. 

Here’s a glimpse into my unforgettable experience.

The Journey to Kundasang

The journey to Kundasang was filled with anticipation. The lush greenery and cool mountain air hinted at the wonders ahead as we drove through the winding roads. The excitement grew with each passing mile, knowing I was getting closer to one of nature’s most magnificent creations.

First Glimpse of the Giant

As we neared our destination, the first glimpse of Mount Kinabalu took my breath away. The towering peak, shrouded in mist, stood majestically against the sky. It was a sight that photos and descriptions could never do justice to. The sheer scale and beauty of the mountain were humbling, making me feel both small and connected to the grandeur of nature.

When we arrived at our cabin at Kiram's Village Cabin on Sunday evening, we couldn't see Mount Kinabalu because it was getting dark already. 

The next morning, we woke up early and went to see Mount Kinabalu in real life. This experience is priceless for me. I personally love mountains and seeing this kind of view is just wow for me. I really recommend you book homestays around the Mesilau area. You definitely see this kind of view.

The Changing Moods of the Mountain

One of the most fascinating aspects of Mount Kinabalu is how its appearance changes throughout the day. In the early morning, the mountain was bathed in golden sunlight, its peak glowing warmly. By afternoon, clouds began to gather, creating a mystical aura around the summit. Each moment offered a new perspective, revealing different facets of the mountain’s beauty.

A Lasting Impression

As the sun set behind Mount Kinabalu, casting a soft glow over the landscape, I felt a profound sense of peace and fulfilment. Witnessing this natural marvel in person was an experience that left a lasting impression on my heart. It reminded me of the incredible beauty our world holds and the importance of preserving such treasures for future generations.


Seeing Mount Kinabalu in real life was a dream come true. The experience was more than just a visual delight; it was a journey of discovery and reflection. If you ever have the chance to visit Sabah, make sure to witness the grandeur of Mount Kinabalu. It’s an encounter with nature that will stay with you forever.

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