Hey there!
Pejam celik pejam celik its March already...
As for me, it's been almost 3 weeks since my emergency surgery. How's time flies....
You can read my experience here --> Life Story: Pengalaman Pertama Kali Kena Bedah
Kalau dalam dunia korporat, bila masuk March saja maksudnya it's last month dalam Q1 and it's time for you to reflect back on what did you do or achieve for Q1, right?
So, how's your Q1 so far?
My Q1 is as you know, ada big interruption!
On mid February 2025, I suddenly need to undergone emergency surgery buang cyst and due to this, I had to declined some of interviews invitation for a new job and continue to searching for a new job. Banyak benda will got interruption apabila ada masalah kesihatan.
But, whatever happened, God is in control. I currently berdamai dengan apa yang telah terjadi dan learned a lessons from this. Honestly, I feel so trauma about it but I don't want to dwell in this bad experience. I will make something positive about this.
As this post published, I am thankful I still lived and I can sit comfortably now plus I even able to drive this week. No more feel uncomfortable already. The last 2 weeks, I just lying down on bed because whenever I sit down, I feel really uncomfortable.
While I'm resting at home, I still working like usual(thanks God, I can wfh and since my contract will be end this end of March, so I have less tasks) but I mainly working on my passion projects and searching for new job.
Kawan-kawan, doakan saya dapat pekerjaan baru soonest dan semoga semua urusan kita semua dipermudah.
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