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Life in Borneo : Embrace the moment

Hi friends, the other day we went to pick up my mother in law at bus station and we passed through this area and my husband stopped because he knew I love to take the photos of beautiful views.
 We don't really explore KK yet because we are currently tight on budget and we are usually going back to my husband's kampung on weekend. Hopefully, we can see more side of KK soon and of course, I will update here. Please stay tuned.

Here is my view go to work. 
There's many cars but it's not much like I face before. It's bearable!

My workplace views. I just love this my everyday view. The skies here is so different than what I used to see before.

My view from my home here. Just amazing view. It's my dream everyday.

It's so green and blue! Just love everyday view.

Of course, this view. My favorite every morning, Mount Kinabalu from a far.

My wildest dream now is climb Mount Kinabalu! I hope I will make it! hahaha

Before I end this post, I want to share that I'm currently embrace our moment here. I don't know what our future look like. Whatever you're now, just embrace the moment.

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