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Book to read this month : Taking care of Yourself

Before I became a working parent(working mom), I always thought it will be easy. 
But when I really became a working mom, oh God! It's not easy as I thought before. My friends that became a working mom before me makes its look so easy but actually, its one of the hardest job in the world and when you "signed up" for this hardest job, you can't look back and you can reject it. I am not complaining but I just share the reality with you guys. You must think hard to decide to be one.
But, after being working mom these 4 years, I can say, it's not easy but its manageable.

Read this if 

You just become a parent and you feel like there no rest or your life is changing so much after having a child.

Why I love it 

I love this book because its gave me an idea that what I'm going through now is not only me but every first time parent and good thing is I got to learn from other experience from this book especially about self care. I need to take care of myself in order to take care of my son and my family well.

Where can you get it?

You can buy at Popular Bookstore or Online Store like Shopee.



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