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Sent our son to school again

Last week, after 5 months, we finally sent our son to school again. We stopped sending him to school in March 2024 as I'm not working anymore and we can't afford to keep sending him to school while I'm taking a career break.

Then, I got a job in Borneo and we moved to Borneo in Apr 2024. Moving to Borneo made us have other priorities on money so we didn't have sufficient funds to send him to school. So, we asked for help from my mother-in-law to take care of our son and at the same time, she can accompany us since my husband still working at KL in Apr, May, June and July 2024.

Fast forward to July 2024, my husband finally moved to Borneo and our car is also here so it's time to send my son to school.  Before I decided to send my son to school, I researched and asked around for schools that I could send my son to since June 2024.

After my search, I finally decided to send him to school. Sending my son to school after 5 months was the hardest as he would cry every time we dropped him off at school.

This is the first day the teacher examined his skills.

Eating breakfast at school.

The second day.

After school, we went to groceries shopping at e-Mart.

On the third day, he show this face again.

Sending my son to school was a milestone for him, but it was also one for me. It was a reminder that parenthood is as much about holding on as it is about letting go, about giving our children roots and wings. 

And while today was tough, I know it’s a step towards the bright future that lies ahead for him.

So here’s to new beginnings—for him, and for me. To the adventures, the learning, and the growth that await him. And to the quiet moments when he’ll still come back to me, even if just for a little while, because no matter how big he gets, he’ll always be my little boy.

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