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Getting behind the wheel again: Rediscovering the joy of driving

It’s funny how something as simple as driving can evoke a whirlwind of emotions, especially after a long time away. For almost 3 months,  I haven't drive any car because I don't know how to drive a manual car and our auto car is on the way back to Borneo. 
Yesterday, our car is finally here and I am finally able to drive again. Driving our car again is a silent reminder of the freedom I once took for granted. I finally got behind the wheel again, and it felt like reuniting with an old friend.

As I slid into the driver’s seat, there was a moment of hesitation. My hands gripped the steering wheel, and I took a deep breath, letting the familiarity of the car wash over me. Everything was just as I remembered, the sound of the engine was so familiar to me. It felt like muscle memory, like slipping into a favourite pair of shoes that had been waiting patiently in the closet.

But it wasn’t just about the mechanics of driving. It was about the feelings it brought back—the sense of independence, the thrill of the open road, and the quiet moments of reflection that come when you’re alone with your thoughts, just you and the road stretching out ahead.

As I pulled out of the driveway, there was a small flutter of excitement in my chest. The streets felt both familiar and new as if I was seeing them through fresh eyes. The way the sunlight streamed through the trees, the distant hum of the city, even the rhythm of the traffic—it all seemed to pulse with a life of its own, a rhythm I had missed.

I drove without a destination in mind, letting my instincts guide me. It wasn’t about where I was going, but the act of getting there. The freedom to turn left or right, to speed up or slow down, to stop and take in the view or just keep going. It was a reminder of the simple joys in life, the ones we often overlook in the rush of daily routines.

But there was also something new, something different. Driving after so long gave me a renewed appreciation for the little things—the way the car responds to a touch of the pedal, the changing scenery, the freedom to go wherever I wanted. It was a reminder of how much I had missed this simple pleasure and how much it meant to me.

Getting back behind the wheel after so long was more than just a drive—it was a rediscovery. A chance to reconnect with the simple pleasures, to find joy in the journey, and to remind myself that sometimes, the road less traveled is the one that leads you back to yourself.

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