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My day as a working mom in Borneo

Balancing the demands of work and family is a universal challenge, but living in the lush, vibrant landscape of Borneo adds a unique twist to my daily routine.

Here's a glimpse into a typical day in my life as a working mom in this beautiful part of the world.

Early morning: Embracing the calm

My day begin around 6.00am. The early hours are the calmest part of the day, perfect for a moment my devotion and morning prayer. I usually start with a cup of local coffee while seeing the sunrise view in my kitchen. This is my time to mentally prepare for the day ahead, review my to do list and set my intentions.

Usually, I prepare my breakfast from home and eat it at office. Living in Borneo means we have access to fresh, organic produce, which makes preparing healthy meals easier and more enjoyable.

Morning rush : Getting ready for work

By 7am, I already ready and ready to go to work. Currently my mother in law is taking care of my son so I no need to think sending my son to school.

Off to work : Navigating the manja-manja traffic

Since I don't know how to drive manual car so my mother in law will drive me to work. The commute in Borneo is like anywhere else. The different is the traffic is just manja-manja only. It's not like what I face in KL before this. I'm usually out from my home at 7.20am and arrive at workplace around 7.40am or before 8am. I always love the journey to work and I can't wait to drive my own car soon.

Work Life: Balancing responsibilities

My workday typically starts at 8.00am. As a Senior QA Tester, my job involved in doing software and hardware testing. Balancing professional duties with family life is always a juggling act but I find that being organized and staying focused helps me manage both worlds effectively.

Lunchtime: Eating my bekal

Lunch is the time I can't wait for. Usually I eat my bekal on my own and my bekal usually Borneo food which I always my favorite. So far, I don't really go eat outside because I want to save money for other important things.

Afternoon: The home stretch

The afternoon is a busy time, filled with meetings, project work and planning. By 4pm, my thoughts starts shifting back to family. The last hour at work is crucial for wrapping up tasks and setting things in order for the next day.

Evening: Family time

I usually going back from work at 5pm. The evenings are dedicated to family activities. For now, my usual routine is take bath, prepare dinner, eat dinner and after that playing with my son. For now, we are really not going out as I don't know how to drive and my mother-in-law can't drive during night. Soon, when our car arrive in KK, I definitely go explore the city.

Nightime : Winding down

By 9pm or 10pm, I will try to put my son in bed and sometimes we video call my husband that still working in KL. This is my time to relax, perhaps with a good book(I only bring 1 book from KL) or a movie.

Reflections on living in Borneo

Living and working in Borneo is a unique experience that blends the demands of modern life with the rich, natural beauty of the island. It's a place where the challenges of balancing work and family are offset by the incredible environment and the strong sense of community.

Being a working mom here has taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability and the need to cherish every moment. Despite the daily hustle, I find joy in the little things like the vibrant sunsets and the laughter of my children.

Every day in Borneo is an adventure and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

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