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My 3 months in Sabah

Can you believe that my son and I have been in Sabah for 3 months? 3 months... whoaaa. 
Just like that kan? 
These 3 months have been super challenging for our family. 
There a days I do regret my decision to move here because the hardship that I need to face is harder than I expected and imagined and living a far/long distance relationship(LDR) with my husband makes it even harder!

I can't U-turn the decision and I also don't want to do that, I am not going that way!

So, in this blog post, I want to share my reality after I moved to Sabah. Hopefully, those who want to move to Borneo will have a glimpse of this super challenging path.

First month

I'm grateful that my son and I's first month was going smoothly, thanks to my in-law family's help and support. Our original plan was for my MIL to stay with us for the first month because I needed to search for a suitable school for my son and at the same time, my MIL helped to drive me to work as I didn't know how to drive manual car and most importantly, she will accompany us during this big move in our life. I know myself, I can't live with my son alone in an unfamiliar place. I might lose my mind.

I am forever grateful for my MIL's help during this moving transition, I prayed that God bless her in her life. Thank you my MIL 💓

During this first month, we spent a lot of money, especially on house rent deposits and things that we needed in the new house. It's not cheap to rent a house in Kota Kinabalu. I expected it like this but never imagined it was more than I expected. During this first month, it's still bearable. We still can go back Kampung every weekend and I love it!

Second month

It's started going so hard for the second month because the reality now is our life commitment is double up. We need to pay for 2 houses, the mortgage for our house in Kajang, and the rent for our house in KK. It's getting worse because I got auto deductions on my bad debts and I need to pay for yearly house insurance as well. 

I feel like everything started going wrong and became unbearable.

We asked help again from my mother-in-law to stay with us until my husband came back to Sabah and we can't afford to send our son to school yet. I feel so failed and I cried almost every night because of this. 

During this hard time, my family also gave hands to us. My brother and sisters help me a lot, especially with money. I needed that so much! I ever feel I don't have enough money before but after we moved to KK,  I can say I'm the poorest! I can't even buy what my son needs and wants. I really feel bad and failed.

Third month

When the third month comes, I feel like my world is about to crumble! Life is getting harder! My husband needs to send our car from Semenanjung to Sabah and it's not cheap you know! I cried in my sleep almost every night. I want to go find quick money but I don't know where to go. I want to sell whatever I can sell, I don't know how. Life feels stuck!

During this hardest month, I'm thankful my family helped me a lot. I feel bad for asking for help over and over again. It really makes me feel so failed. 

I never thought that my moving here would be this hard and I needed to lose my pride to keep asking for help from my family. The life that I imagined to have here is not like what I expected and imagined. I lived far from my husband which made it even harder! My husband really helps me a lot too and it really makes me feel bad and burdened because usually, I don't really ask for money from him. After all, I know he has his own life commitment but this time, I just can't and need to ask for help from him too.

Despite this hardship, I am grateful I have a family to help me. I prayed that my family(my in-law and my own family) will be blessed more always. 

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