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Merantaulah anak muda

Today, the SPM result is finally come out and as an experienced anak perantauan, I wanted to share a glimpse of merantau with adik-adik yang baru dapat result SPM.  It's very important for adik-adik SPM leavers to know this before they started to merantau. For me, SPM is kind of the beginning of your adult life journey.

When I say merantau here, I mean live far from your family or you go to somewhere unfamiliar.

In my personal opinion, I really recommended for all young adik-adik to merantau mencari ilmu dan pengalaman.

Here is my journey as perantau after SPM.


After I get my SPM result, I applied and got to Kolej Matriculation Labuan. Its kind of Pre-University for 1 year.

2007- 2011 

After my study at Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan, I applied and got the offer to further study to Perlis,Malaysia. I know this is such a big thing for me because this is my first time going to Semenanjung Malaysia in my life and its hujung sebelah utara pula. I am so determine to go because I wanted to further my study and I want to gain life's experience.

I studied Electronic Engineering at Perlis for 4 years and during these 4 years, I learned a lot in academic and self esteem. I started to able to speak in English because I had friends that speaking English in their daily life. At the beginning, I feel so scared but I believe in myself and my fellow friends help me a lot too. I am grateful. During my study here also I got to learn their accents. It's different you know but during this time, I learned and adapt with their language. 

2011- 2024

After 4 years studied, I finally got my degree and I'm not returned home immediately. Actually, I wanted too but I think God have different plan for me. I did went for several interviews in Sarawak but I never got the job. So, I focus on what's God's plan for me. I really enjoyed my time working and lived in Semenanjung Malaysia eventhough its really hard because I lived far from my family.

I am grateful I've community in church that kept me close at home. I don't even realized its been more than 10 years since I lived in Semenanjung Malaysia. I've make my younger me dream come true!

My advise to adik-adik,

don't be afraid to go out from your comfort zone.

don't be afraid to live far from your family. This will make you appreciate your family more.

don't be afraid of new environment, people and etc, just go!

As young people, you're free to explore the world.

Don't limit yourself.

When you go merantau, never ever forget your root.

Jangan pernah kena kejutan budaya. Lupa agama dan keluarga.

Kadang-kadang disebabkan position or cinta. 

Always and always remember your mission merantau at the first place.

Whenever its feel hard, always remember, Where God guide, God will provide!

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